ORGL 201: Professional Leadership Development (3 credits)
This course provides an introductory overview of the Organizational Leadership major and familiarizes students with the various student services available at Butler University.
Course Highlights
1. Assess current personal and professional leadership behavioral styles and effectiveness.
2. Analyze key Sessions, concepts, and theories associated with leader and leadership development.
3. Write a measurable Professional Leadership Development Goal Setting Plan that provides motivation and increased likelihood of completion of professional development aspirations.
4. Design a research-supported written and oral Individual Leadership Development Plan Baseline Practicum using relevant theoretical frameworks that reflect practical application outcomes when leading organizations.
Service areas featured in the course: Career for Academic Success and Exploration, Career and Professional Services, Library Services, Counseling and Consultation Services.
ED 453: Perspectives in Leadership (3 credits)
The Perspective in Leadership course is for students who want to expand their understanding of leadership. The main purpose of the course is to create a learning experience where you will come to understand leadership theories, styles and skills. You will learn leadership development is a process of leading yourself before trying to lead others. You will collaborate with university and community leaders on how leadership styles are applied and practiced. Note: for students seeking an Education Minor, this course is a capstone experience. Education minor requirements are available in the College of Education. (U/G)(3) Fall, spring, and summer
Course Highlights
- Develop a sense of your own leadership strengths through hands-on, collaborative experiences by evaluation of our class project.
- Compare and critique leadership styles in different eras and situations assessed by class discussions and reflections.
ORGL 215: Business and Professional Writing (3 credits)
In today’s fast-paced professional world, effective communication is a cornerstone of success. In combining principles of clear and concise communication with professional document design, this course equips students with the essential communication skills to excel in the world of business, leadership, media, and beyond.
Course Highlights
- Identify writing formats commonly found in the professional world —business, government, media, etc.—and then produce work using these formats that would be acceptable in a professional context.
- Write about business matters in Plain English—that is, in a clear, concise, readable way;
- Employ professional document design—standard formats, layout, use of graphics;
- Research, write, design, and revise a variety of professional documents, including letters and promotional materials;
- Integrate professional writing as a strategic tool for organizational leadership by effectively communicating visions, goals, and initiatives to inspire and align team members towards collective objectives.
ORGL 300: Leadership in the Digital Age (3 credits)
This course is designed to empower students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel as leaders in the fast-paced digital landscape. Students will acquire the digital literacy skills necessary for critically evaluating web-based content, fostering effective online collaboration, and leveraging technology for success in the workplace. Additionally, through real-world case studies and insights from accomplished digital leaders, students will grapple with the ethical considerations, legal frameworks, and equity implications of technology adoption and implementation.
Course Highlights
- Apply concepts of digital and media literacy to critically evaluate digital content, digital citizenship, and the web as a collaborative tool.
- Analyze disparities in digital access and comprehend the social and economic implications.
- Examine ethical considerations and legal frameworks related to digital content, data protection, and intellectual property rights.
- Apply strategic thinking and decision-making skills in digital contexts, making informed choices that align with organizational goals and drive positive outcomes in the digital realm.
- Develop a strategy to identify and track emerging generative AI tools and potential misinformation.
ORGL 320: Writing with Visual Impact (3 credits)
This course combines theory and practice to heighten students’ rhetorical awareness, visual literacy, and graphic design know-how. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have a diverse toolkit of storytelling strategies as well as the visual and digital confidence needed to add distinctive flair and creativity to their workplace writing.
Course Highlights
- Demonstrate the ability to write with a clear rhetorical purpose.
- Apply layout rules and techniques to effectively utilize typography and media in business writing.
- Utilize formalist aesthetics from the fields of fine art and graphic design to inform design decisions.
- Showcase proficiency in utilizing Adobe InDesign for design projects.
- Source content for design projects that is appropriately licensed and legally permissible.
- Employ project management skills that are valuable in diverse professional settings.
ORGL 400: Inclusive Leadership – 3 credits
This course will illuminate the value of leading organizations with people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and/or experiences. We will explore interdependent, diverse perspectives for solutions and approaches to meet intended outcomes. Approaches to overcoming conflict and promoting equity in organizations will be discussed. Methods of leading people from a position of inclusion and belonging in order to positively impact organizational wellness will be examined.
Course Highlights
- Explain why exposure to people from different backgrounds, beliefs, and/or experiences can be valuable in enhancing group effectiveness and group functioning.
- Develop appropriate solutions to inclusive leadership challenges based on recognition of diverse and interdependent perspectives
- Analyze situations and/or conditions of others in order to promote a sense of organizational wellness.
- Analyze leadership approaches that foster an inclusive environment.
ORGL 408: Leadership Roles: Trainer, Mentor, and Coach (3 credits)
In a rapidly changing global environment, organizations must harness the potential of individuals and teams to advance strategic objectives. This course provides students with critical leadership tools that empower them to act as trainers, mentors, and coaches within their organizations. Students will examine various methods that can be used for human development to ensure personal and organizational achievement and foster change management initiatives. Further, students will learn to model training, mentorship, and coaching strategies in ways that are both ethical and culturally inclusive.
Course Highlights
- Identify your own strengths and areas for growth as a trainer, mentor, and coach.
- Apply strategies for training, coaching, and mentoring to foster change management initiatives.
- Compare and contrast various methods of human development across different organizational contexts and modalities.
- Evaluate the ethics and cultural inclusivity of various training, coaching, and mentoring strategies.
- Develop a personal philosophy of the leader as trainer, mentor, and coach.
ORGL 411: Leading Organizational Change (3 credits)
Students in this course will examine leadership communication in the context of organizational change. Leadership is analyzed using the concept of citizenship with a focus on communication skills needed to help construct effective experiences for an organization, team, or community, whether in the role of doer, follower, guide, manager, or leader. Students will also evaluate organizational theory and practice that links to how early to mid-20th-century management theories have shaped current 21st-century organizations throughout change. (G)(3).
Course Highlights
- Analyze key Sessions, concepts, and theories associated with organizational leadership and communication.
- Evaluate the evolution of 20th century organizational communication theory, and how it influences and defines 21st century organizations.
- Describe organizational change theoretical frameworks that utilize creativity and innovation, external awareness, flexibility, resilience, strategic thinking, and vision to achieve intended results.
- Assess leadership communication effectiveness and accountability, while leveraging diversity and building coalitions utilizing partnering and influencing/negotiating.
- Design a research-supported leadership communication portfolio, using relevant theoretical frameworks that reflect practical application outcomes when leading organizations
ORGL 430 Financial Leadership (3 credits)
The goal of this course is to provide students with quantitative skills combined with basic theoretical knowledge to make optimal financial decisions. Financial concepts and accounting principles will be introduced during the course to help non-financial managers utilize financial information to guide managerial business decisions. The focus of the course is a practical application of financial concepts and calculations through case studies, real-world problems, and class discussions. Key topics include financial planning, time value of money, cash flows, capital budgeting, and valuation.
Course Highlights
- Distinguish between financial and non-financial factors that guide effective decision-making for various types of entities, including for-profit businesses and not-for-profit organizations.
- Evaluate key aspects of financial statements and how to use information from those statements to guide management decisions.
- Demonstrate the importance of effective budgeting, including revenue recognition and expense management, to help ensure the long-Session viability of an organization.
- Evaluate investment scenarios based on projected cash flows and the timing and risk of those cash flows.
- Analyze factors that organizations consider when granting credit to existing or potential customers.
- Implement financial Sessioninology and finance concepts to effectively communicate with organizational leaders, stakeholders, and others regarding financial decisions.
- Investigate ethical considerations related to various financial scenarios.
ORGL 460: Organizational Leadership Capstone (4 credits)
This course requires students to develop a written and verbal capstone project inspired by the organizational leadership program learning outcomes and reflections of their experiences with practical application that includes the workplace and through our Integrated Community Requirement (ICR). It is an opportunity to tell your story of organizational leadership experiences and/or aspirations. The capstone synthesizes your knowledge, values, skills, ability, and behavior, through perspectives of course learning gained in your degree program. The course includes a 20 hour community leadership project (ICR).
Course Highlights
- Identify and apply current personal and professional leadership behavioral styles.
- Synthesize key Sessions, concepts, and theories associated with organizational leadership.
- Create and present a capstone presentation that captures intersection of program learning outcomes, fieldwork, and personal and professional lived experiences
- Apply leadership concepts and philosophy to professional and personal goals.